家庭活动 in Nevada

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维吉尼亚市’s Camel and 鸵鸟赛跑 60多年来一直在提供全家都能享受的乐趣吗. Before the races, check out the midway with vendors and fair treats, get in on the kids duck race, 然后在比赛间隙让孩子们骑骆驼绕着竞技场转一圈. 为了更多有趣和愚蠢的动物动作,全家人都可以从中得到乐趣,前往 Planet Hollywood’s Popovich Comedy Pet Theater, 展示了莫斯科马戏团的老将格雷戈里·波波维奇和他的表演宠物的非凡才能, we mean 30 performing animals ranging from house cats and dogs, 鹅, 白色的鸽子, parrots and 更多的. 

night sky during the great basin astronomy fesitval
Great Basin Astronomy Festival
Michael Okimoto

希望抓住内华达州狂野西部遗产的一部分,并希望在您附近的家庭友好活动的真相? 穿上这条裤子,系上领带,直奔埃尔科店 National Cowboy Poetry Gathering. 在这里, 孩子们可以在这个受人喜爱的活动中与其他来自西部的年轻牛仔分享他们自己的故事和笑话. Or, you and the fam can head for the Wildest, Richest Rodeo in the West in 里诺 for Kids’ Day and the Mutton Bustin’ Championship. Aspiring cowboys and cowgirls can get in on horseback rides, 与牛仔竞技的皇室成员合影,了解牛仔竞技的传统, agriculture and the western lifestyle. 

hot air balloons during the great reno balloon races
Great 里诺 Balloon Race
Visit 里诺 Tahoe

Another family-friendly event is the slam dunk awaiting you at The Lights Fest 在豆科灌木. 成千上万的朋友和家人聚在一起听现场音乐, chow down on great food, and light up the southern Nevada skies with wishes, dreams and goals. 时间在一起, 每个人都点燃自己的灯笼,把它们送上天空, creating a surreal ambiance. Lookin’ for a little 更多的 magic? 前往主题极地特快列车,在内华达州各地都有 East 伊利 Depot and Nevada Northern Railway,或 V&T铁路 in 卡森城. 

children riding a camel
International Camel & 鸵鸟赛跑

Another annual event that is sure to impress the whole fam is the Great Basin Astronomy Festival on Nevada’s eastern border. “一半的公园在天黑之后”是这个国家公园的口号 ideal stargazing beneath crisp, clear skies every day of the week. 每年秋季, 该公园举办了一个免费的天文节,有很多方法可以了解星座, 行星, and nebulas from expert astronomers from all over the country. Kids can earn their deep space certificate, make special glow-in-the-sun solar bracelets, learn about Nevada’s very own star and just why Great Basin National Park is so dang special. 

horse riding at the reno rodeo

To really see Nevada, 你的团队可以在“银州”的众多热气球活动中,漂浮在美国48个山区最多的州的上空 豆科灌木, Pahrump, 红宝石 and in of course, 里诺. 孩子们可以在这四个地方乘坐系绳气球,甚至可以在游乐场炫耀他们最好的床头和最喜欢的睡衣 Great 里诺 Balloon Race. 其他活动,使一些严肃的乐趣为家庭时间溢出的动作包装高辛烷值在雷诺 怪兽卡车. 观看每一辆怪物卡车用藐视重力的跳跃撕裂泥土(和天空),n head to the pits to meet your favorite drivers, see the trucks up close and 更多的. 

santa sitting with guests on the polar express
Polar Express on the V&T铁路

事件 in Nevada

Gotta See ‘Em to Believe ‘Em

Nevada has never been a stranger to a good time. And for every world-famous event anchoring Nevada’s come-as-you-are, cut-loose culture, 还有几十个肯定会偷走你的心,填满你的相机胶卷. 从我们两个大城市的盛大庆祝活动到两者之间每个小镇的社区庆祝活动, find out where and when to whoop it up around the Silver 状态.

# 世界杯下注网站

说奶酪! 通过标记#内华达州旅行#来展示你在这个银色之州创造神奇家庭回忆的所有方式.

作为国际黑暗天空公园,大盆地国家公园努力帮助人们了解夜空以及如何保护它. 许多人不能亲自来大盆地,但我们不希望这阻止他们享受大盆地的夜晚. 

我们的YouTube频道有关于大盆地天文学和年度天文节的视频. http://www.youtube.com/c/GreatBasinNPS

# IDSW2021 

Image: Bristlecone on Mt. 华盛顿,深蓝色多云的天空,背景是明亮的木星. NPS照片
Nevada Day is here! We hope you enjoy the festivities, activities and fun this year. Stay safe everyone!
Memory from the California Trail Interpretive Center , 埃尔 Nevada.
Standing in the sun before a performance was hot work.  Their expressions are priceless.  加州小径的拓荒者和他们的历史帮助形成了当代地图.  That is just the beginning of the story. #加州小径#内华达遗产#elkonevada #芭蕾民俗#民间民俗#南内华达保守协会#舞蹈#舞者#dancersofinstagram
Start 'em young. 去看牛仔竞技表演永远不会嫌早,抢票永远不会嫌早! 正在出售. See the link in our bio! 🐎 (📷: official_briangroom)
A touching takeoff into a memory sure to last a lifetime✈️⚾️💭
Our Haunted Halloween Train rides start this Friday at 7pm. 来内华达州的伊利,乘坐两小时的幽灵火车,你将永远不会忘记. 
#halloween #railroad #train #nevada # phototoftheday #photography #travelhappy #travelphotography #trains_worldwide #train_nerds #railroad #风景摄影#landscape #风景爱情#american #americanwest #west
Guess what day it is...周六! 维吉尼亚市 Camel 🐪 Races day! #familyfun #vccamelraces #besttimeofyear #alltheevents
💀 Our 11th annual Day of the Dead celebration kicks off tonight! 💀 Join us this weekend for colorful, family-friendly traditions. Save money when you purchase advance tickets! (生物链接.) Please note: the Springs Preserve will close at 3 p.m. Nov 1-3 to make final preparations for the event.
Eleven-year-old Marinna Mori, of Tuscarora, Nev., and her brother, 皮特, 8, 在全国牛仔诗歌聚会期间,在埃尔科会议中心外练习绳索
3 更多的 days until the most epic celebration of statehood kicks off! 10月25日至27日,内华达日祈祷仪式以一种特殊的方式拉开了周末的帷幕,前往MAC体验真正的美国印第安人祈祷仪式.
